Bagmane Solarium City - Helium Brookefield
No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 7 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~55,000Year of Completion
2019Bagmane Solarium City is a Grade A tech park located strategically between Whitefield and Outer Ring Road and is developed by Bagmane Developers Pvt. Ltd. The campus is spread across 82-acre of space and is equipped with modern day amenities like food court, break out areas, bus bays and landscapes. This 8-storey building is an IBGC LEED Gold certified property and has a total built up area of ~4,40,000 sq. ft., with a floor plate size of ~55,000 sq. ft. Apart from a great location, this facility provides easy access to public transport, malls, restaurants, and residential areas. Ge Oil & Gas India Pvt Ltd., Tekion India Pvt Ltd. and Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd. are the present tenants of this building.
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