No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 10 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~15,130Year of Completion
1994Power Provided
Sufficient ProvidedPower Backup
Sufficient ProvidedDLF Centre, covering a total built-up area of ~1,66,433 sq.ft. with 11 floors is suitable for business of all sectors. This LEED Platinum building is located in CBD of the city in Sansad Marg, Connaught Place with good public transport connectivity. It has a per floor area of 15,130 sq. ft. It comes with an in-house food-court and is surrounded by a plethora of F&B choices and luxury hotels. The current tenants are Saab India Technologies, Juniper Networks India, Samsung India Electronics, Google India, Boeing International Corporation India, Mathworks India, Citrix Systems India, Nutanix Technologies India, Bank of America Corporation.
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