DLF Cyber City - Building 14C DLF Cyber City
No. of Floors
3 Basement + Ground + 16 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~47,286Year of Completion
2007Set on an expansive campus, DLF Cyber City is located in Sector 24, Gurgaon. This LEED Platinum Certified tech park is equipped with a sizable list of conveniences and amenities including a cafeteria, ATM, banks, Crèche and more. Building 9A and 9B are located in between Forum and DLF Cyber Greens, just off the national highway (NH-8) in Gurugram, and in close proximity to the international airport. It is surrounded by various modes of public transport, hotels, hospitals, retail outlets and residential areas. Building 9A is a 17-storey block which brings to life new-age workplaces that are fitted with all basic and new-age amenities. Spanning a total built-up area of ~7,56,497 sq. ft., this block provides for a space of ~47,286 sq. ft. across each floor. The present tenants in this facility are The Boston Consulting Group, Discovery Communications India, KEC International, Nokia Solutions and Networks, T-Systems ICT India, Fujitsu India, Cargill IndiaDaikin Airconditioning India, Maersk Line India, Baxter India, Leapwork India and Unicorn Info Solutions.
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