No. of Floors
Ground + 21 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~16000Year of Completion
2003Everest House is a high-rise commercial building located on Jawaharlal Nehru Road. It encompasses a total built-up area of ~3,84,000 sq.ft. with per floor area of ~16,000 sq.ft. The facility stands 22 floors tall and is well connected to nearby markets as well as restaurants. It enjoys good road connectivity to prime areas of the city. It is currently occupied by Khaitan (India), Inspiring Edutree, Kanchan Metals, Fightright Technologies, Edworld Education, Rana Udyog, Shree Computers Sales, Kohinoor Steel, Classic Leasing & Finance, Maca Tea & Beverages LLP, Varrsana Ispat, Kunjal Synergies, Centom Industries, Precision Weldarc, Glamour World Ayurvedic Co, MH Commotrade, Travellive (India), Enginia Vehicles, Ferro Alloys Corporation (FACOR), Whole9yards Online LLP, J.r. Laddha Financial Services, Modern India Con Cast, Team Global Logistics, Precision Weldarc, ACE Innovators, Nat Steel Equipment, Digital Ipsum, R P Comtrade, Swarnayug Human Resources, Transworld India, Pahaldesign Education, Ganguram s Sweets & Savouries and Mercury Tours & Travels.
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