Gold Hill Supreme IT Park - East Tower (Goldhill) Electronic City
No. of Floors
Basement + Ground + 11 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~65000 sq.ft. to ~70000 sq.ftYear of Completion
2014This campus is built on ~10.5 acres land and located in one Bangalore’s most prominent IT Hubs, Electronic City Phase 2, Gold Hill Supreme IT Park is an efficiently designed property with a total built-up area covering ~1.51 million sq.ft. The LEED-certified Grade A tech park is equipped with a variety of basic and modern amenities including an in-house food court, terrace cafeteria, ample parking space, power backup and 24x7 security. Developed by Sri Venkateshwara Developers, it lies in close vicinity to numerous eateries. Phase 1 of Gold Hill Supreme IT Park encompasses a total built-up area of ~8,30,000 sq.ft. The 12 story building provides superior workplace solutions to its tenants. The typical floor plate area in this facility ranges between ~65,000 sq.ft. to ~70,000 sq.ft. Current occupiers of this building are Equiniti India, Osram Continental India & FCAIT Automotive (Stellantis).
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