Co-working SpaceTotal Seats
2000Parking Facility
Paid ParkingThis co-working space, strategically located in the prominent IT hub of HSR Layout, is designed to cater to the needs of both startups and established companies. Benefitting from excellent connectivity to public transportation, the facility enjoys close proximity to various dining, retail, and entertainment establishments. Managed by Innovent Spaces, it offers a comfortable capacity of 2,000 seats and features an on-site executive lounge and break-out zone. It is spread over ~90,000 sq. ft. with a structure of Ground + 3 Floors. The facility is currently occupied by Megashots Internet, O2o Software Services, Harnessio R&D Labs India, Lawcubator Technologies, InSync Analytics (India), AsknBid Innovation Factory India, FormulateIP TechnoLegal Solutions, ThoughtSpot India, Kristal Advisors, Appstrail Technology, Ampmesh Labs, OnionLife (KarmaLife), KFX Circuits & Systems, GoldenPi Technologies, Stylife Technologies, Yugabyte Software and Arik Infotech.
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