No. of Floors
Ground + 8 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~42,900Year of Completion
2008This expansive campus of 4.7 million sq. ft. consists of prime commercial spaces in Malad West, Mumbai. This tech park offers the ideal work environment with office spaces coupled with a wide array of amenities including a cafeteria. It is situated close to several restaurants, hotels, residential buildings and malls. Spread over 9 levels with each level measuring ~42,900 sq.ft., Building 11 offers modern and large office spaces to its occupants. The building’s total built-up area amounts to ~3,65,000 sq.ft. The current tenants of this building are Globeop Financial Services Technologies, Worldline India, NITCON Social Foundation, ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company, Emirates Airlines , and Wipro Technology Services.
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