No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 5 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~10,000Year of Completion
2012Power Provided
Sufficient ProvidedPower Backup
Sufficient ProvidedBeing a mixed-use commercial development of ~45,000 sq.ft. Malik Solitaire is located at a prime location in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. It spans across 5 floors with each floor measuring ~9,000 sq.ft. The area is surrounded by public transport, ATMs, restaurants, hotels and malls. It is outfitted with all modern conveniences including a cafe and retail outlet and is currently occupied by Strategic Systems IT Solutions, Stratsol Software Systems, Infinitum Network Solutions, Hyundai Motor India (HMIL), Enox Hardware India and ASICS India.
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