MFAR Manyata Tech Park Greenheart - Phase I Nagavara - Nagawara
No. of Floors
3 Basement + Ground + 11 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~85,000Year of Completion
2011MFAR Manyata Tech Park Greenheart in Bangalore is strategically located on Outer Ring Road and offers tastefully designed office space. This Grade A IGBC gold certified tech park is built on ~10 million sq. ft. of land. It enjoys the convenience of multiple entry and exit points and easy access to restaurants, banks, health care centres, crèche, prime residential area, and transport hubs. The facility provides for ample parking space and a range of other basic and modern amenities including a cafe and lounge. Phase IV is a 12- storey tower with a total built-up area of ~14,85,601 sq. ft. with a floor plate size of ~85,000 sq. ft. The facility has a retail wing with F&B outlets, health and fitness and much more. The current tenant of this building are WSP Consultants, Philips India, Motorola Solutions Kodiak Networks, Mavenir Systems, The Executive Centre, Sakshath Technologies, Anheuser Busch Inbev India, Veoneer India, Capgemini Technology Services, AXA Business Services, Tablespace Technologies, and Monsanto India.
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