Prestige Shantiniketan - Tower A Whitefield
No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 12 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~36000 sq.ft ~42,000 sq.ftYear of Completion
2011A comprehensive mix-use development, Prestige Shantiniketan is located in Bangalore’s IT Hub on Whitefield Main Road,. Housing residential, commercial and hospitality centres, this development is set on a ~105 acre campus with commercial space built-up totalling to ~3.2 million sq. ft.. The campus is home to 7 LEED Gold-certified, tastefully designed towers out of which 6 are made in a unique crescent shape. The hospitality centre of Prestige Shantiniketan includes luxury hotel Sheraton and the Forum Shantiniketan Mall. The development also houses a wide-reaching list of amenities including a large spacious food court, an amphitheater, open-air kiosks, a day-care centre, a fitness centre, and a convention centre. Crescent 2 houses Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd. and Decision Resources Group (Decision Resources LLC) across its well-designed 13 floors. The total built-up area of this tower stands at ~5,43,312 sq.ft., and each floor measures from ~36,000 sq.ft to ~42,000 sq.ft.
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