Prestige UB City - Concorde Block Vittal Mallya Road
No. of Floors
Basement + Ground + 17 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~27,000Year of Completion
2007A landmark commercial property in Bangalore’s Central Business District, UB City, located on Vittal Mallya Road spans over 13 acres and a total built-up area of ~1 million sq.ft. The Grade A+ tech park houses 3 towers and a wide range of amenities including an amphitheatre, a food court, a business centre, an art gallery, a service apartment, a premium retail space and landscaped gardens. The campus is located in close proximity to several bus bays, restaurants, schools, and residential areas. This 19-story block is spread out over a total built-up area of ~5,80,000 sq.ft. with each floor measuring ~27,000 sq.ft. The building houses high-end retail stores on the lower floors and premium office spaces on the upper ones.
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