No. of Floors
Basement + Ground + 8 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~37,000Year of Completion
2006Designed to meet all the new-age business needs efficiently, RMZ Infinity is a Grade A+ tech park in Bangalore. Standing on Old Madras Road, Swamy Vivekananda Road, Sadanandanagar, this upscale commercial development comprises 5 towers spread over a ~12 acre campus with a total built-up area of ~1.2 million sq.ft. The campus also features ‘The Bay’, a beautifully designed common area with cafes, a food court, fine dining restaurants, a convenience store, a gym, currency exchange outlet and more. The area also plays a key role in adding a vibrant touch to the atmosphere on campus. RMZ Infinity enjoys easy access to key areas like Indiranagar and Whitefield and numerous eateries, bus bays, and a metro station. This 9-story tower has a floor plate size of ~37,000 sq.ft. and covers a total built-up area of ~2,96,000 sq.ft. Current occupiers at this premium office building include Synopsys (India) Pvt. Ltd., British Telecom Pvt. Ltd. (BT), co-working company- Cowrks, Ernst and Young Pvt. Ltd. (Eygbs India Pvt. Ltd.), and Boeing International Corporation India Pvt. Ltd..
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