No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 12 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~10032This commercial building is located in Surat - Adajan. It encompasses a total built-up area of ~1,41,200 sq. ft. with each floor measuring ~10,032 sq. ft. The facility stands 13 floors tall and is surrounded by IT companies, hotels, restaurants, and enjoys good public transport connectivity. The tower is currently occupied by Shree Parth Infracorp, India, Grim Tech Projects India, Amaazia World Theme Park, West Wind Shipping and Logistics, Melanism Group, Wealthwind Consultancy, Goodrich Maritime, KEI Industries, Apple Life Science, Synergy Solutions, S And PRP Textile Solutions, KA Finsec Services, Manisha Decorators, Baseline Associates, Klik Solutions, American Overseas Tours & Travels, Ddhan Legaltech LLP, Dautsons Infratech India, Cousins Infotech, Couch Perry Wilkes India, Bell Granito Ceramica, Polygon Design Studio, Mitsubishi Electric India, Global Success, GlobeLink WW India, Ketrox, V2 Web Solutions, Century Plyboards (India), Royal Holiday Club, Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company, Metal Crafts Technical Services, Pratham Investment & Finance, Labdhi Polymers and Enwisen Consulting LLP.
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