Subramanya Arcade - Tower C Bannerghatta Road
No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 7 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~24500Year of Completion
2004Developed by Subramanya Constructions, this commercial project on Bannerghatta Main Road, Bangalore stands on an area of 10 acres with an expansive total built area of over ~1 million sq.ft. Notable tenants at Subramanya Arcade include Samsung, Synchronoss Technologies and Ingersoll Rand. The project also lies in close vicinity to numerous restaurants, hotels, malls, residential areas and is surrounded by several IT organisations nearby. This tower spans across an expansive total built-up area of ~1,96,000 sq.ft. with a floor plate size of ~24,500 sq.ft. The 8-storey building, home to numerous amenities including a terrace cafeteria is currently occupied by Synchronoss Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., National Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. (NI Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd.) and Chelsio Communications India Pvt. Ltd.
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