No. of Floors
Basement + Ground + 7 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~7,500Year of Completion
2000Strategically located in the middle of the Central Business District, on G.N Chetty Road T.Nagar, this building is developed by Anmol Shrusti. It is suitable for showrooms, banks, back-end offices and retail operations. It has a total built-up area ~67,500 sq.ft. across 8 floors, with a typical floor area of ~7,500 sq.ft. It is surrounded by restaurants, shopping centres, hospitals, and transport hubs. It is currently occupied by AClass Diamond, ICICI Bank, Bio-Rad Laboratories, TT Insurance Broking Services, Vidal Health Insurance TPA, SBICAP Securities, Religare Housing Development Finance Corporation, Eureka Forbes, Convergent Technology Solutions, etc.
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