No. of Floors
Basement + Stilt + 11 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~6,500Year of Completion
2010Seshachalam Centre is located in Teynampet, adjacent to The Raintree Hotel. This is a 12 storey building developed by Ceebros Constructions with a total built-up area of 70,500 sq.ft. It has a typical floor area of 6,500 sq.ft. with 1 level of basement for parking. It provides spacious and thoughtfully designed office spaces to cater to mid-size client requirements. It is in close proximity to star-rated hotels, restaurants, market, bus hub, and is well connected to other parts of the city by public and private transport systems. It is situated close to Nandanam metro station that boosts it connectivity to the other parts of the city. Occupiers are Tide Water Oil Company (Veedol), Hero MotoCorp, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), MUFG Bank, Toyota Tsusho, CMA CGM Agencies, Kantar Analytics, etc.
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