Bagmane Tech Park - Parin - Block B C V Raman Nagar
No. of Floors
2 Basement + Ground + 8 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~23,000 to ~26,000Year of Completion
2007Set on an expansive campus spanning ~42 acres, Bagmane Tech Park is located on CV Raman Nagar and shares its boundary with HAL and DRDO. The Grade-A tech park, a flagship project of the Bagmane Group covers a total built-up area of ~5 million sq.ft. The commercial property is equipped with a sizable list of conveniences and amenities including a food court, complete power backup, transportation service, financial services and more. The project is positioned close to several bus stops, play-schools, and residential areas. Spanning a total built-up area of ~1,90,000 sq.ft., Block B is well-equipped with all the requirements of modern work life. Each floor in this 9-story building ranges over an area of ~23,000 to ~26,000 sq.ft. Kontoor Brands (VF Brands), Informatica Business Solutions, Concur Technologies, Miac Analytical Services, SIMA.AI India, L-3 Communications and Bridgeline Digital are some of the many occupiers of this block.
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