Brigade Tech Gardens - Block C4 Brookefield
No. of Floors
Basement + Ground + 8 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~55,000This state-of-the-art 26 acre USGBC LEED Platinum certified SEZ Tech Park is located at Bangalore’s prime IT corridor - ITPL-Whitefield Main Road, Brookfield. Developed jointly by GIC Singapore and Brigade Enterprises Ltd., this Grade-A tech park comprises 6 pre-certified LEED Platinum blocks and a range of other amenities including a gym, a multifaceted convention centre, retail outlets, serviced apartments, ample car parking, and a food court. The expansive property lies close to several conveniences such as transport hubs, restaurants, schools and malls. Block C5 has a total built up area of ~4,17,169 sq. ft., with per floor area of ~55,000 sq. ft. and stands 9 floors high. Block C5 provides excellent large office spaces in East Bangalore to its occupants.
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