Brookfield Centennial - Campus B Whitefield
No. of Floors
Ground + 7 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~45,000Year of Completion
2008A prime location in the EPIP Zone, Brookefield coupled with dual access points from Old Madras Road and Marathahalli cuts in a leading edge for Brookfield Centennial, a Grade-A tech park. The 9 acre campus boasts of a ~1 million sq.ft. total built-up area over 4 towers - Campus A, B, C, and D. The design blends global, modern architecture with sustainable measures and green landscapes harmoniously. A common area, ‘The Bay’ offers a sizable selection of amenities including restaurants, cafes, an ATM and other recreational activities. The tech park enjoys the advantage of easy access to several transport hubs, schools and residential areas. Campus C at Brookfield Centennial addresses the modern workplace requirements of its occupants across its total ~3,30,000 sq.ft. total built-up area and 8 floors. Each floor in this building measures ~42,000 sq.ft. Tyco Fire And Security, Yash Techologies, Deutsche India, Agilent Technologies, SKIDATA Technologies and NagraVision are the current tenants at this facility.
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