Brookfield Ecoworld - Campus 4D Marathahalli - Sarjapur Outer Ring Road
No. of Floors
3 Basement + Ground + 10 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~52,000 to ~73,000Year of Completion
2014Designed by Singapore-based DP Architects and developed by RMZ Corp Holdings Pvt. Ltd. this park is conveniently close to bus bays, hotels, residential areas, and malls and has all measures for sustainability The splendid architecture of Ecoworld brings to life a new-age, comprehensive work ecosystem. The ~77.8 acre facility is located in the heart of Bangalore’s IT hub "Sarjapur - Marathahalli Outer Ring Road". The ~12 million sq.ft. total built-up area offers both, SEZ and Non-SEZ office spaces. Ecoworld offers a diverse line-up of facilities and conveniences including a day-care centre, food courts, dine-in restaurants, galleries, a sports centre, an amphitheatre, retail shops and more, with several of them housed within their dedicated luxury leisure area - The Bay. Developed by RMZ Corp Holdings Pvt. Ltd., special attention has been paid to the park’s design aesthetics with landscaped gardens, extensive waterworks and art installations adorning the campus. This Grade-A tech park in Bangalore lies in close distance to bus bays, hotels, residential areas, and malls. Campus 8A, ideal for large office spaces, has a floor-plate size measuring ~52,000 sq.ft. to ~73,000 sq.ft. The LEED Gold-certified block has a total built-up area of ~6,83,009 sq.ft. and is spread over 11 levels. Globally renowned SAP India Pvt. Ltd., Meredith India Services, and StateStreet Global Advisors is one of its many noted tenants.
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