RGA Tech Park - Block 2 Sarjapur Main Road
No. of Floors
3 Basement + Ground + 10 FloorsYear of Completion
2016Per Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~26,000 sq.ft to ~74,000 sq.ft.This Tech Park on Sarjapur Main Road helps its tenants tune into their business needs with ease. Spanning 18 acres, the ~2.2 million total built-up area of this tech park also provides for a wide variety of amenities including an in-house food court. The campus stands in close proximity to transport hubs, residential areas and restaurants. The project has been developed by RGA Software Systems Pvt. Ltd. in association with co-developer Primal Projects Pvt. Ltd..- Block 1& 2 are non SEZ blocks and Block 3 & 4 are SEZ blocks This LEED-certified SEZ building holds premium office spaces coupled with an array of amenities including an indoor sports facility and terrace cafeteria. Spread over a total built-up area of ~6,96,483 sq.ft., this block offers a floor-plate size of ~26,000 sq.ft to ~74,077 sq.ft. Unisys India Pvt. Ltd. and L&T technology Services are the current tenant at this building.
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