No. of Floors
Basement + Ground + 9 FloorsPer Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
~6,845Year of Completion
2002High Gates is developed by Jain Housing and Construction Ltd., and is located in Santhome. It is built to cater to any kind of business requirements. It has a total built-up area of ~75,295 sq.ft. across 10 floors, with a typical floor plate of ~6,845 sq.ft. and 1 basement for parking. This standalone building is completely equipped with modern amenities, backed by 24X7 security services and ample in-house parking. It is situated just a km away from marina beach. It is also surrounded by hotels, bus stops and residential complexes. Some of the occupants are State Bank of India, Solve IT solutions Pvt. Ltd., Gradiant India, SAAKI Argus Averil., etc.
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