Calculators: For Making Smart Property Decisions!

How does this calculator work?

We have a rich data of around xyz properties posted everyday on Cityinfo. Based on rate, locality, area, amenities, age of property, demand and supply, we suggest the price tag of your property and compare mutually the comparable properties that we have in our database.

Average Office Space Rentals

Use this adding mechanism to find the price tag of a property by feeding analogous information such as city, locality, type of house, area and bedroom's.

Please select property type
Please select city
Please select locality
Please provide area
Please select unit

What is Buy vs Rent Calculator ?

Buying or Renting is the best? To determine these you need to consider the factors including the time you will stay in your new home, the home's prospects for appreciation and taxes .Fill the following and we will advise you on what seems best for you.

Rent Details

Property Details

Loan Details

Income Details

Years Back

Calculation Summary


Total Money Spent :
Total Money Saved :
Balance Amount :


Total Money Spent :
Total Money Saved :
Balance Amount :

Rental Calculation ( Over Year )

Total Rent Paid :
Total Interest Lost on Rental Deposit :
Total Tax Saved on HRA :
Net Cost

Buying Calculation ( Over Year )

Cost of the Property :
Total Interest lost on loan :
Tax Saved on Loan Repayment :
Property Value at the end of years :
Interest Lost On Down Payment :
Net Cost

Why to use this EMI Calculator ?

The actual benefits are huge savings of time, energy and your delicate patience. Apart from these, you wll get the following advantages:

Estimate Mortgage Your Payment

Required~*Please enter valid number
Down Payment
Required~*Please enter valid percentage~*Please enter valid percentage
Term (Years)
Required~*Please enter valid Terms
Required~*Please enter valid percentage~*Please enter valid percentage

Disclaimer: These calculators are provided only as general self-help Planning Tools. Results depend on many factors, including the assumptions you provide. We do not guarantee their accuracy, or applicability to your circumstances.
