DLF Cyber Greens - Tower B DLF Cyber City
DLF Cyber Greens in Gurgaon is strategically located in Sector 24. This LEED Platinum USGBC tech park enjoys the convenience of multiple entry and exit points and easy access to prime residential areas, transport hubs and restaurants. The campus comprises of five blocks each scaling from 11-19 storeys. It provides a range of basic and modern amenities including ATMs and break-out areas. Tower A is an 11- storey tower encompassing a total built-up area of ~1,05,000 sq. ft. with a floor plate size of ~9,438 sq. ft. The current tenants of this building are Macquarie Global Services, Mahou India, Dahua Technology India, EI DuPont India, DuPont Performance Coatings India, Nokia Siemens Networks, Next Sourcing Services India, Mitsubishi Electric India, Canon India, 24/7 Customer and Euronet Services India.
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