DLF Corporate Greens - Tower 1 Southern Peripheral Road
DLF Corporate Greens is spread across an expansive campus of ~25 acres consisting of premium commercial office spaces, retail and IT spaces. This grade-A tech park offers the ideal work environment coupled with a wide array of shared amenities. The park enjoys the advantage of multiple access points and is close to several restaurants, hotels, schools, and day-care centres. Spread over 14 floors with each level measuring ~32,312 sq.ft., this block offers modern and large commercial spaces to its occupants. The building’s total built-up area amounts to ~4,52,363 sq.ft. The present tenants of this building are ASR Express, Regus Business Centre, MPS, PMV Maltings, The Malt Company (India), PMV Nutrient Products, TOP Technologies, Rieet Techno Solutions, Vamso Biotec, MRKS Consulting Services, Shivsan Buildwell and ICICI Bank.