Co-working SpaceTotal Seats
2260Parking Facility
Paid ParkingWeWork Galaxy is a co-working space on Residency Road. The space attracts a variety of businesses, including many startups and multinational companies. It is well connected via public transport and can accommodate up to 2,260 seats. Occupiers here have access to a wide assembly of amenities including a cafeteria, gym, break-out area and a lounge. It is currently occupied by Fujitsu Consulting India (FCIPL), Amazon Data Services, Inc., Wolves Recruitment & Staffing, Japan Airlines, Air Asia (India), Dyson Technology India, Mindset Experience India, Exide Life Insurance Company, Netwoven India, Progress Software Development, Velodyne Lidar India, Reflektive Labs, Selling Simplified India, Zendesk Technologies, TIH Real Estate Advisory LLP (Taurus Investment Holdings), Devrev Cloud India, RCI India, Hager Electro, Veda Corporate Advisors and Ethika Insurance Broking.
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