Co-working SpaceTotal Seats
3956Parking Facility
Paid ParkingSituated in the IT hub of Sarjapur - Marathahalli Outer Ring Road, this co-working space caters to startups and established companies. Apart from easy access to public transport, the location is close to restaurants, stores, and entertainment options. Developed by We Work IndiaManagement, it can accommodate 3956 seats with ease and comes with an in-house food court. Its current tenants include ANI Technologies (OLA), Bazaarvoice Technology, Meesho Payments, Fashnear Technologies (Meesho), Ninjacart (63Ideas Infolabs ), OmniWealth, Airasia Technology Centre, Neoastra Systems, Insomniacs Digital, Lookout India Technologies, AppViewX, Blackhawk Network, Onsurity Technologies, Cloud Paradigm Software, Homeville Consulting, Pwip Foodtech and Xanadu Realty.
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