Co-working SpaceTotal Seats
1679Parking Facility
Paid ParkingWeWork - Embassy Golf Links (Cinnabar Hills) is a co-working space located on Off-Intermediate Ring Road. The space attracts a variety of businesses, including many startups and IT Companies. It is well connected via bus and metro stations and can accommodate up to 1,679 seats. Occupiers here have access to a wide assembly of amenities including a food court, lounge and break-out area. Its current tenants are ATIK Energy Solutions, Strong Human Network (SHN), Viral Boom (Winfantrace), Carpediem Management Consulting, Truecaller International LLP, Tata Medical and Diagnostics (TataMD), Greypath Infotech, OMVAPT, Nusigma Technologies, Shopify Commerce India, ADP India (Automatic Data Processing), Meraki Clothing and Esse Designs LLP.
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